Monday, February 9, 2009

text monster

i just watched tex monster it was about this couple but the girl wouldnt leave her boyfriend alone for nothing everyother min she was texting him where you at ? who you with ? so near the end we got options tell her ur phones broken tell her she needs to trust u nd giver her some space nd go away to a horse ranch

well i choose c , to move to a horse ranch .i picked this answer because i dont want no one to bother me, a horse ranch is pretty far and i dont want get text'd 24\7 so yea in a horse ranch ill have no connection. and maybe i can make one of the horses eat my phone so i wont get so bothered with all these text messages and phone calls. im pretty sure the horses wont choke.if not id just break up with the guy because hed be getting on my last nerves not being able to trust me at all nd texting me every 5 mins .so yea i would just end it and go with someone who doesnt need to text me every min

1 comment:

llahana188 said...

You are hilarious! I laughed so hard when I read your post-- especially the horse not choking on the phone...